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Musician, J.D., Blogger, Lover of Technology, and Obsessed with the evolution of the music business in the digital age. There's always a better way.

Monday, January 25, 2010

E.T. Radio

I’m in the process of writing a research paper on the future relationship of radio and the recording industry. Having just delved into the research phase, a prediction can already be made. Internet radio is the future, and within 5 years terrestrial radio will be facing the same issues that print news faces today. Information wants to be free. Information acts like water and will always take the path of least resistance.

As consumers devouring information, or in this case music, we crave control and economic efficiency. Control is the ability to listen to what you want when and where you want. Control is also the ability to expand your musical horizon or to keep it static. Economic efficiency is simply finding the least burdensome mode to have control over as much music as possible.

The maxims of control and economic efficiency for the consumer came to fruition in 1999, when Napster first came to public. Napster provided the consumer with the ability to download, possess, and maintain control over any desired music for no cost. Of course, there is the illegal issue of stealing copyrighted information without having compensated the copyright owner. Internet radio looks to be approaching Napster2.0 where it is legal and often free for the consumer to demand any music anywhere.

In the coming weeks I will explore many of the new services offering on demand music access. If you have a mobile computing device such as an iPhone, you can use many of these services on the go. In early January, Ford Motor Company revealed the first factory installed internet console for cars. This console will provide drivers the ability to create on the go playlists from music they do not own, but can legally access.

Information wants to be free, music is no exception. We are the DJ’s of the future, so get your headphones ready.

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