Folks, it happened once again. YouTube has birthed an “accidental” musical sensation. The unlikely star is Antoine Dodson (commonly misspelled as Dobson) of the dangerous Huntsville, Alabama. If you have not yet come across the song on the internet or terrestrial radio morning drive shows, you can see the video here "Bedroom Intruder".
Dodson's song was produced by the Gregory Brothers, (Twitter: autotunethenews) who have prior YouTube success by producing videos that remix tv news stories to hip-hop music and the auto-tune effect. Using their successful formula, the Greggory Brothers edited a local news clip of Dodson explaining how he saved his sister from a life threatening rape. Horrifying and dangerous yes, but Dodson adds flair to the original interview that results in pure comedy. Dodson is equal parts hero, thug, flamboyant queen, with a third grader's command of the English language. Amazingly, the song has become so viral that it has bee reported on by the BBC, ABC News, and others. Google Antoine Dodson and the following articles appear: " Antoine Dodson: Riding YouTube Out of the 'Hood' (NPR)," "Antoine Dodson is an Internet Star But at What Cost? (Clutch Magazine)", and dozens of websites with postings titled "Homo-Thug is Back- Antoine Dodson."
Dodson has embraced is sudden fame despite being the butt of many jokes and having nothing to do with production of the song. Perhaps the reasoning is that Dodson has suddenly turned a tragic event into a small goldmine. Bedroom Intruder is available for purchase on iTunes and has sold enough copies to be listed at 89 on this weeks Billboard Hot 100. Dodson and the Gregory Brothers are splitting the proceeds of the song 50/50, and Dodson has set up his own website where he sells t-shirts and solicits donations. Dodson has embraced his inner "ghetto" by posting the following on his site: "Hey guys! I just want a real talk session with you guys on why I'm doing the fan line. This fan line will help me and my family move out of the hood and a percentage of the earnings of the fan line will go to a Juvenile diabetes charity."
Accidental success, butt of a joke, 15 minutes of fame. We can all debate the good and the bad, but for the Dodson family tragedy may be their ticket out of the ghetto and into the American dream. Viva la YouTube.
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