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Musician, J.D., Blogger, Lover of Technology, and Obsessed with the evolution of the music business in the digital age. There's always a better way.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Props to Pillows

It's not often that I give in, but recently had a great stumbleupon session that lead me to this video 2 Guys 600 Pillows video.  The shots are remarkable DIY rock video production ala OKGO.  As the name suggests, it's two guys singing a song and colliding in various choreographed ways with white pillows.  The images constantly bring amazement, but the music not so much.  It's unfortunate that the song is so far bellow the video in value.  In fact, the video is the inspiration here and the song is playing mere background.   If you watch the video through the end it turns out it's produced by sleepbetter.org which by all accounts is a site intended to sell sleep products. I do wish there was some chance of this video being put to better use, with a good band.... Rock on pillow director.

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